
Christmas 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dedication Day...

You know with all the musical talent out there in the contemporary christian and secular world, there is not hardly a song that hasn't touched someone in a certain way.  I am so glad God gave us music, it inspires and moves us, it brings people together.  Our youth pastor wrote this song last year during a time where we as a church were really seeking God, wanting and waiting to hear His voice.  We all have times in our lives when the waiting can over take us and it seems unbearable but some how there is the grace that can come pouring in and somehow makes okay for a little while.

I'm waiting on you
to cut through the dark
I'm waiting on you to speak to my heart
All this waiting is hard for my soul

I'm waiting on you
To open my eyes
To see things the way that you see this life
It seems you're saying this is good for my soul

I'm waiting on you
to make sense of these
misplaced pieces and long-stalled dreams
All this waiting is hard for my soul

I'm waiting on you
to take this from me
I thought you said that I'd find the strength
but you must be saying this is good for my soul

So I trust in the promise that steadies my hope
that you never forsake or leave me alone
I trust in the promise for those in the fight
joy comes after the darkest of nights
but mostly I trust cause I've been here before
and you broke through the silence and shouted your love

when I've waited

So it definitely has been a long awaited day that we get to stand before God, our family, friends and church family to dedicate our son.  What a huge thing for us, we have waited so long for a child and now as an expression of trust and faith we basically are giving him to God, trusting that He will guide our steps and that He has an amazing plan for this little life.

We can't even believe that Graham has already been with us for 4 months, he fits in with us so well that it actually feels like he has been with us since birth.

Soooooo been worth the waiting....

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