
Christmas 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

There is no place like home...

Sorry for the delay in updating posts, it has been hard finding time. (usually when Graham is asleep)
So far being home for a few weeks, he doesn't want to miss anything so he is awake alot and mom and dad usually crash when he crashes.

But it's all good!

Our hotel room in Hong Kong overlooked the bay
and it is a beautiful sunrise on our last morning
on this side of the world.  We didn't get to spend a lot of time in Hong Kong but it is
a beautiful city and lots of people speak English.
It was kind of nice walking into a restaurant and not having to point to a
picture to order our dinner and hope they get it right.

Our hotel is also right next to the airport and Graham is excited about that. 
He has his cool shades on and watching all the airplanes take off.  He is saying "bye bye airplane"!
in his little 3 year old broken english voice.  I must say it is pretty stinking cute. 

We set the timer to take our last family photo here in China, the thought of home is so comforting
but thinking of an 18 hour flight ahead of us; not so much.
 Dorothy's thoughts  ring in our heads as we go....

"There is no place like home, there is no place like home"!

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